Kayenta Arts Foundation

Kayenta Arts Foundation is wrapping up its second fiscal year.  The Chair’s Annual Report will be delivered to the Board and new Directors will be elected at the December meeting.  KAF’s Board is planning events for 2013 that will continue to fulfill KAF’s mission “to develop and create an environment that fosters diverse artistic endeavors for educational and enrichment purposes” and meet its goals of (a) offering a range of  visual and performing arts reflecting international and artistic diversity and (b) expanding arts education.

Next year looks to be an exciting year for KAF and its community.  KAF is pleased to be working with Man of Two Worlds, LLC in furtherance of KAF’s fourth goal namely:

“a Kayenta Center for the Arts/Theatre appropriately is equipped for performances, exhibits, HOA meetings, and special events with enclosed space, equipment, and staff and is a source of revenue for KAF.” 

Please look for reports on progress towards this goal in future Kayenta Connections.

KAF has launched its website www.kayentaartsfoundation.org. Please visit this site for information about KAF, upcoming events, positions with KAF, and other news.

As always, KAF looks to you for ideas and feedback.  If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact Judith Kapuscinski, Chair, at 401-952-5462 or at judithk@freqcoor.org or send an e-mail to kayentaartsfoundation@gmail.com.

As a nonprofit, we depend on the generosity of the public. Your donation in any amount would help assure a successful 2013 season.  Donation forms are available at the Kayenta Sales Office and the Kayenta Experience.   You can send a check to Kayenta Arts Foundation, Attn: Treasurer, 800 N Kayenta Parkway, Ivins, Utah 84738.   Remember, donations to KAF are tax deductible.