Art In Kayenta Poster

Art in Kayenta Festival, 14th Annual

October 11, 12 & 13 


Festival Updates

Come and enjoy wonderful art, free admission, fabulous fall weather, great food and entertainment and silent and live auctions, all in our picturesque Coyote Gulch Art Village.

This year, back by popular demand, the 2nd Annual Quick Draw Event will take place on Saturday from 2-5pm.  Watch professional artists create original art in just 90 minutes! Join the live auction immediately following the Quick Draw and outbid fellow art lovers to take home beautiful, original & commemorative art.

Call for Artist Housing and Volunteers

How can I help?(you asked!)

St. George hotel rooms are booked due to the Huntsman Games.  If you have a lonely and lovely casita or guest bedroom, and would like to extend some of our famous Kayenta Hospitality to particiating artists, please contact Susan Jager at:

The festival couldn’t happen without the great efforts of our volunteers.  Immediate volunteer opportunities exist to distribute Art In Kayenta posters and cards throughout the area. In addition, we need help organizing festival information and posting Art In Kayenta information on online Event Calendars (requires Excel experience and can be done in the calm, cool quiet of your own home).

As October approaches, we’ll also need helpful hands on site before, during and after the festival.

Ready to roll up your sleeves and help?!

Please contact Judy Terrell at, 435-817-0166.